We recommend that you lightly oil your meat or the liner to prevent food from sticking. (Cooking spray works well)
Use a grabbing tool to flip your food. Remove fats from your drip tray to avoid flare-ups.
Liners can be cut to size with standard household scissors.
For a snug fit, our liners can be gently stretched by holding it at opposite ends and slowly pulling at opposite ends.
When using a charcoal or wood BBQ grill, you would want to wait until at least 2/3rds of the charcoal have turned white before placing the liner on the grill.
Liners may contain sharp edges.
Liners should never be placed over a DIRECT flame.
The liners are heat resistant/fireproof to 500 °F (260 °C).
Use BBQ safety heat resistant gloves and a grabbing tool when putting the liner on hot grates.
How to prevent grease flare-ups and grease fires
Ensure your flame tamers (burner covers) are clean from grease and residue.
Replace any rusty and damaged flame tamers.
Ensure your grease tray and pan is free from grease and residue.
Trim excess fat from meat.
Always keep a CO2 fire extinguisher handy.